A commercial fire can be devastating. No one may like the thought of them occurring, but unfortunately, they can happen. If they do occur, it can result in many workers being left without work and business owners dealing with expensive repair damage. While this can seem like a significant loss at once, it is critical that you take the necessary steps immediately following a fire. Your swift actions will help you get back to resuming your normal business operations a lot sooner.

Steps to Take Following a Commercial Fire
Reach out to the Insurance Company
One of the first things you should do immediately following a fire on your business property is to reach out to your insurance company. Your insurance company will schedule a time to visit your business location to assess the damage. This information is needed to submit a claim. Once a claim has been submitted, you will receive funds to begin the fire damage restoration process. There are various companies nearby, such as Valley Restoration and Construction (https://valleydrc.com/), that will work with you to get your business back up and running.
Contact a Fire Damage Restoration Company
Once your insurance company has been notified about the fire damage to your business and all the losses that you’ve endured, you should make it a priority to call a fire damage restoration company. Always make sure that the company you choose has experienced technicians that are fully trained. Additionally, you should consider a company that offers cleaning and packing services as well.

Be Careful With Smoke Odors
While the fire and flames may already be out, smoke odors can linger and cause more damage to your personal belongings and the building itself. You should not enter your business until you have been given the okay from the fire department. When you enter your business, be sure that you protect yourself by wearing a mask. This will help you avoid smoke inhalation. Also, you should protect your hands by wearing gloves as many of the remaining surfaces will be contaminated.
Inspect the Damage
If you’re unable to re-enter your business, it is still critical to observe the damage from the outside. Document all damage that you notice, including damage to your assets. This includes phones, computers, computer equipment, documents, etc. Having the correct and necessary documentation ensures that you receive the maximum coverage. This information also helps with restoration expenses.
Preserve Business Contents
If you’re safely able to enter your building following a fire, be sure to preserve and collect as many of your personal items, documents, business equipment, and other contents as you can. If left untreated, soot and other materials can damage any surfaces that they land on. Consider taking affected items to a content cleaning company for treatment.
Final Word
It’s never easy to deal with fire damage to your business property. Claims must be filed, additional purchases must be made, and important documents and equipment must be preserved. Fortunately, there are fire disaster restoration companies that are here to help you address these issues right away.