Makita impact driver vs milwaukee impact driver
Answering the question of which is better between Makita Vs Milwaukee is a tough question indeed.
In the world of power tools, both of them are heavyweight champions. For the past decade, Milwaukee has been considered as the best power tools manufacturer.
That doesn’t mean Makita is that far behind.
Milwaukee indeed is the priciest among the two. But it doesn’t mean Makita is a cheap impact driver brand.
In this review, we are going to discuss the two brands and try to comprehend whether you should invest your money in any of them.
A brief history of Makita vs Milwaukee:
Some people only care about American brands. If you are among them then your decision is pretty easy and straightforward. Just get a Milwaukee. Established in 1924 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The company first started as an electric tools repair enterprise.
It wasn’t long after they began to bloom. The main reason behind this is the hand drill they originally designed for Harrison Ford.
On the other side, Makita is a Japanese brand. They too started as an electric tools repair company.
They were the first ones to introduce cordless power drills back in the ’70s. Even though DEWALT revolutionized the cordless power drills in the early ’90s. They weren’t the first ones to think about the idea. The credit goes to Makita.
At present both companies are huge and have manufacturing facilities all over the world.
Fun fact, Milwaukee is owned by Techtronic which is a Hong Kong based investment company.
Which one to choose [milwaukee impact driver or makita tools?]
It’s not that easy to answer. Like we said in the beginning if you want to support an American brand then Milwaukee is the obvious option for you.
We also said, in the beginning, Milwaukee has built a reputation over the decades. It’s not that hard to achieve what they achieved. They are loved by the community. They have some of the priciest cordless impact drivers on the market.
While it is true that Makita had decades of experience in perfecting the cordless impact drivers. But Milwaukee was not far behind. For the last decade, Milwaukee has been more popular among customers than Makita.
With the growing reputation of Milwaukee, if they wanted to keep their reputation they had to provide the best available product to customers.
Which they did. But it came with a cost. Like all other great products, the best products do tend to cost more money than other brands.
If you are someone that doesn’t care about the money they are spending behind a product, they just want the best possible option available for themselves. Then you cannot go wrong with any Milwaukee cordless impact drivers.
But if you are someone who likes to get the best value for a lower price, in other words in the market for a cheap impact driver Makita is an excellent option for you.
Both of them are an excellent brand with an excellent and rich history. One hand you got a company that provided power drills for the legendary Harrison Ford, on the other hand, you got a company that began similarly but ended up bringing the revolutionary cordless power drills in the early ’70s.
Both of them make some of the best if not the best cordless impact drivers in the market. You simply can’t go wrong with choosing either.
In a tight budget? Go for Makita. Want to boast and have the best possible power tools haul? Go for Milwaukee.
We said we are going to comprehend whether they are worth your money or not. To sum it up in one word absolutely they do. They are worth every penny.