camping tents
Are you someone who likes to travel around the world, looking for exotic places and spending some time with mother nature? And do you often feel the desire to spend the days and nights out in the open looking at the stars? We’ll then one of the most important things in your bag pack must be your camping tent. But, how often do you buy a camping tent, before going on every trip, or after days? However, if you are new to camping and don’t have proper knowledge as to which kind of camping tents are best, read through this article to understand better.
What is a camping tent?
A camping tent is a kind of shelter tent that is portable and can be carried anywhere. A camping tent is used as a shelter when you go on camping trips. A camping tent protects you from external natural factors while you are out in the wild or hills, while you are resting after an adventurous day on your trip. A camping tent comes in different shapes and sizes and is made up of different materials to endure different weather conditions, such as rain, extreme heat conditions, and strong winds. It also protects you from wild animals, if you are out in the wild.
Camping shelters allow you to set your sleeping bed inside, and protect yourself from any external factors, such as weather or animals. Many shelters for camping come with many features that can be installed inside them such as a heater, led lights, and many times measuring devices that measure the external temperature, wind pressure, wind speed, as well as humidity. Therefore, when you are planning to go on a trip, the one thing which you should never forget, along with some courage, is a camping tent. It is very important to choose an appropriate tent according to the place where we are traveling, therefore let us see all the different kinds of tents that are available in the market, and where they can be used.
Types of campaign tents
From the beginning of the human era, with each development phase, the one thing that grew along with them are tents for camping. First, humankind used natural resources such as trees, and mountain ridges to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions. And as humankind evolved, they created better outdoor shelters for themselves, and with the evolution, they learned to create better tents, for different weather and different weather conditions. Therefore, let us look at all the different tents and in which conditions they can be used.
Waterproof tents
The best camping tents have one feature in common is that they are all made waterproof. Waterproof tents are the most widely used tents, which protect against conditions when there is a lot of rain. These waterproof tents are available at every marketplace and can be easily bought. However, some tents are better waterproofed than the rest, therefore, when you are choosing a tent, make sure they are waterproofed.
Pyramid tents
These are one of the most common types of tents that are extensively used by everyone. They are very easy and light to carry away. They can easily provide shelter for two people and are one of the most affordable camping tents that are available in the market. They are generally made up of waterproof material and can withstand even extreme weather conditions. The hinges that are provided in these tents are very strong and hold the surface upon which they are planted, allowing the tents to withstand high-intensity winds and rains. These are generally used by trekkers to protect themselves from ice and stormy weather.
Heliopolis shelter tent
These are also referred to as privacy tents which can be easily installed anywhere. These tents are generally used to provide privacy while a person is taking shower or changing clothes. It is designed with racks that have hangers to hold toiletries and other items. It also has a door system that closes the tent from the inside so that your privacy is maintained. It comes with an average dimension of 6 by 4 feet and can accommodate a maximum of two people at a time. It is often used in open social gatherings or camping spaces, where a need for providing is required.
Beach tents
The beach tents are specifically only built for beach uses. They are made up of material that reflects heat and are generally not waterproof. They are unlike other tents that protect against extreme weather conditions. These can only protect against the sun, and cannot be used anywhere else. Therefore, these tents can specifically be used on beaches and not as a camping tent.
Truck tents
Do you like to take your trucks along when you go camping and prefer to sleep in them and not on the floor? Well then, you should definitely look for Truck tents. These are highly durable tents made up of high polymerized fiber, that can be mounted on top of trucks and can be carried along into backpacks. These tents can accommodate a maximum of two people and have a center height of 4.7 feet. These are often highly insulated, and provide better protection against extreme heat as well as cool conditions. It is made up of oxford cloth which is very durable, mildew resistant, and anti-static. It can be mounted on different kinds of trucks as they come with easily installable latches.
Frame tents
Frame tents are tents that are generally used in open gatherings and at open-air events. These are made up of frames on all four sides, and a sunroof that protects against the sun. These come in different sizes and types, some are open from all four sides, while some are covered to provide better privacy.
Several other types of tents are available in the market which are differentiated based on use, and conditions in which they are used. Therefore, when you are going hiking, trekking, or enjoying camping, you should always keep a tent in your backpack so that you can shelter yourself while you sleep peacefully.