When you’re looking to hire a painting contractor, you’ll choose a reputable company specializing in the particular painting project you need. Keep in mind that there are critical differences in how a residential paint job and industrial paint task are approached and executed. Residential projects are primarily focused on aesthetics. But, when painting a manufacturing unit, the focus is on functionality and durability. Here’s some additional information you’ll find helpful.
Scope of Residential Painting Projects is Much Smaller
Projects for residential spaces, whether a house, apartment, townhouse, or condo may need both the interiors and exteriors painted. That is, if you intend to undertake extensive renovations. But, if you only need to upgrade one or two rooms, the scope of the project will be much smaller. Industrial painting may involve painting entire manufacturing units or warehouses including their interiors and exteriors. Such buildings are larger in size and may cover several stories in height.
Types of Paints - Latex, Water, or Oil-Based
Your painting contractor will likely recommend that you go with latex-based or water-based paint for your home. These varieties dry quickly and although they’re not as durable as oil-based paint, you can expect that their sheen and finish will stay intact for a long while. Then again, you’ll likely paint only the walls and ceilings of your home.
Industrial units need tougher paints that can withstand extreme temperatures and cover different surfaces with ease. For instance, surfaces made with concrete, wood, reinforced plastic, and metal. The oil-based paint used to cover them typically takes longer to dry, but lasts much longer.
Materials and Equipment Needed
Painting a residential unit needs basic materials and equipment. You’ll likely need tarps to protect and segregate the sections of your home, along with rollers, paintbrushes of different sizes, and perhaps, a ladder to reach the ceiling. Additional supplies on your list will include a primer, putty knife, painter’s tape, sandpaper, and a few drop cloths. Depending on the decor theme, you might get textured paintbrushes and stencils along with staining liquids for wooden flooring and furniture.
To paint an industrial unit, complex equipment is needed such as scaffolding, aerial lifts, pressure washers to prep surfaces, sandblasters, and paint sprayers. Aside from primers and tints, you’d also need specialty coatings and finishings to secure the paint against the abrasive conditions of a huge manufacturing facility.
Team and Expertise
Residential and industrial painting projects need different levels and kinds of expertise. For painting homes, you need contractors who can choose suitable paints and finishes and design them perfectly for attractive interiors. When painting an industrial unit, contractors must have the expertise to ensure complete safety. They should also have the necessary training since they’re working at higher levels and manage heavy, complex tools and equipment to complete the project. You’ll also need larger teams with varying skills to complete the task.
Painting projects for residential, industrial, and commercial spaces need the skills of specialized teams and contractors. Before choosing the company, make sure to check with them about the kind of services they provide.