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How to Deep Clean Your Car Interior
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Most times, car interiors are cluttered and covered in dust. As such, this part of the car usually takes up more time to clean. To deep clean your car interior, you would need a few items. These items include :
1. A plastic bin
2. A cloth
3. A vacuum cleaner
4. A soft brush
5. A leather seat conditioner
6. Foam applicator pad
7. A stain remover
The first thing to do when deep cleaning your exterior is to declutter the car. You might find biscuit wrappers, plastic bottles or bags on your car floor. Pick them up and place them in the plastic bin. Recline the car seats so as to reach hidden areas and objects. Generally, declutter your car interior of objects that should not be there. Read more about radiator flush solution here.
Car interior cleaning can be performed by yourself with products used in home for daily works! For top car exterior cleaning products lists and tips, click here
The next step is to clean your car console and dashboard. Use a damp cloth to gently wipe the dashboard, steering wheel and gear stick. Ensure that you also clean the vents and control buttons. Pay special attention to the hidden areas and tiny spaces. Clean those too.
Use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum your car from top to bottom. Most people neglect to vacuum their car ceiling, thus leaving the dust to accumulate in that region. Take out the floor mats and vacuum the floor of the car. If your floor mats are made out of fabric or carpet material, vacuum them too and air them out.
If your car seats are made out of upholstery or other kinds of fabric, you would need to vacuum them too to get rid of any dust that may have accumulated in the seats. However, if you have leather car seats, then you should condition the car seats and clean them. Use an authentic leather conditioner and then, use a foam applicator pad to gently apply the conditioner onto the seats. The essence of conditioning your leather seats is to moisturize them and prevent them from cracking and tearing prematurely. At this stage, if there are any tough stains on your car seats(whether leather or upholstery), use a stain remover to get rid of those tough stains.
If your floor mats are made out of rubber, wash them with a damp cloth or soapy water and a sponge and air them out to dry.
Always ensure to air out your seats after deep cleaning your car. This would prevent it from taking on a musty smell. In the same vein, leave your car doors and windows open, so that all the surfaces can dry out properly. When you are certain that everything has been sunned out completely, reinstall all the car furniture and put everything back in place. Spray or install an air freshener to give your car a nice fragrance and then shut the doors and windows.
How to Ensure That Your Cleaning Products are Safe for Your Car Interior
It is not enough to simply clean your car interior with cleaning products and materials. You also have to ensure that those products are suitable for your car interior and would not damage or ruin it. Some chemical products can be quite damaging to the interior of your car and as such, you need to apply caution when selecting and using cleaning products.
Avoid ammonia-based window and glass cleaners. Ammonia has a pungent smell and might end up seeping into your car furniture. Similarly, ammonia-based cleaners could cause premature tears and ruin your leather seats.
When picking out chemical cleaning products for your car interior, you need to take several factors into consideration and take some cautionary steps because one wrong cleaning product could end up ruining the interior of your car.
The first thing you should do is to look at the labels of the cleaning products. The labels of cleaning products contain a list of the ingredients and chemicals used, the percentage of each chemical and instructions on how to use the product itself. There are certain ingredients that could be detrimental to both your car interior and your health(if you have allergies). As such, you should watch out for these chemicals and avoid car cleaning products that contain them. Using cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals or fumes is not advisable. In the same vein, make sure that you carefully follow the instructions written on the labels of these products so as to avoid causing damage to your car interior. For example, if the instruction on a leather seat conditioner states that you should use only a certain amount on your seats, do not exceed that stipulated amount. Excessive usage of a product could lead to damage or ruining of your car interior.
The material of your car seats also determine the cleaning products you should use on them. Do not use general household cleaning products to wipe down your leather or vinyl seats. It is highly advisable to use leather conditioners. These would not only moisturize and give your seats an extra shine but would also prevent them from fading or tearing. In the same vein, do not use your regular household window cleaners to clean your windscreens and windows. If you must, ensure that they do not touch your vinyl or leather surfaces as they would degrade such surfaces.
Tricks and Tips for Deep Cleaning Your Car
Deep cleaning can be a strenuous task but nothing beats the surge of satisfaction and excitement that rushes through you when you see your pristine car. Here are some tips and tricks you could apply to make your deep cleaning job easier and more effective:
1. Clean your wiper blades with alcohol: Most times, dirt and dust reside in your wiper blades. As such, when you wipe your windscreen with the blades, smudges and stains are left on your windscreen. This leaves your car looking dirty and might pose a problem when you are driving. Immerse a cotton ball or wipes in alcohol or methylated spirit. Use the soaked cotton ball or wipes to clean the wiper blades. The alcohol would wipe off the dirt and dust on the blades and also prevent your windscreen from getting smudged each time you use your wiper blades.
2. Brush the seams of your car seats with an old toothbrush: Usually, dirt and grime get stuck or hide in the seams of your car seats. For example, biscuit or cookie crumbs, particles and so on. These particles and dirt are always difficult to reach and you may end up ignoring them during deep cleaning. To reach those spots and get rid of the dirt, use an old toothbrush to brush the seams of your car seat. A normal brush or a vacuum cleaner might not fit into those spots and might miss those spots. However, the toothbrush has a small head and tiny bristles that make it easier to get rid of particles and stains hidden in those tiny spots.
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3. Apply Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly onto your dashboard: To give your dashboard an extra shine or gleam, you could apply petroleum jelly onto it. If your dashboard looks dull, petroleum jelly would make it shine and gleam like it is new. Apply a few tiny dollops of petroleum jelly onto the dashboard and spread with an old toothbrush or a microfiber cloth. Be careful not to apply too much as excess petroleum jelly would leave your dashboard sticky and oily.
4. Clean the underside of your car: The underside of your car is one part that is easily overlooked and neglected even when deep cleaning. Most people do not feel that it is necessary to clean that part of your car since it is not visible and would most likely get dirty again. However, if you do not clean the underside of your car, dirt would accumulate and with time, it would rust and your car might begin to develop faults. To make this easier, simply use a garden hose to rinse off the underside. This would get rid of dirt and take little energy and time.
5. Use a clay bar: You could use a clay bar on the surface of your car to get rid of embedded blemishes and give your car finish a gleaming look.
Deep cleaning your car is no easy task but with these few tips, the entire process would be easier and would produce more satisfying results.
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