Sleeping bags are heavily used items for outdoor activities by almost everyone. Sleeping bags are inevitable if you plan to sleep out while camping, trekking, hiking, picnicking or any such fun family outdoor events. We have reviewed many other outdoor products including tents, hiking backpack, LifeStraw water bottle, outdoor grill, barbecue cooler, propane stove and many more.There are many types of sleeping bags you can find at cheaper price at Walmart, Amazon, Target and many more big famous stores. But before you shop, read our below sleeping bags buying guides updated for 2019. Also read all honest reviews on top selling sleeping bags that we recommend.
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First consideration I recommend is the:
1. Temperature Ratings.
A new standardized rating system has been widely adopted in Europe, called EN 13537. Some U.S. bag makers have also adopted the system (and others are planning to). The system assigns bags a series of ratings:
- Upper limit = the highest air temperature at which the average man can sleep comfortably.
- Comfort = the lowest air temperature at which the average woman can sleep comfortably.
- Lower limit = the lowest air temp at which the average man can sleep comfortably.
The ratings are established after a set of standardized tests using a heat-sensored mannequin.
So temperature ratings in sleeping bags indicate the minimum temperature that the bag is designed to handle. We have found high quality but cheaper sleeping bag Coleman 0°F Mummy Sleeping Bag for Big and Tall Adults | North Rim Cold-Weather Sleeping Bag.
Also find out bavy sack guide by Globo Surf here.
2. Insulation Type.
Regarding insulation type for sleeping bags, you can choose synthetic or down. Synthetic insulation means fluffy polyester which doesn’t absorb water. So synthetic insulation sleeping bags makes more sense for campers who might face with wet conditions. Synthetic bags are typically bulkier and heavier, but are much less expensive.
3. Sleeping bag Types.
Mostly you will find 3 types of sleeping bags according to season category : Summer, Winter and All 3 Seasons.
Summer type sleeping bags: These are easy to back pack as summer sleeping bags are light, can be packed tiny and are best for temperatures up to 30°F and higher. Most Summer bags have full-length zippers, ans allows you to zip them almost completely open for ventilation (or to use as a quilt) when the night gets really steamy.
Winter type sleeping bags: These are good for temperatures about 20°F and below, have all the features of a three- season bag (cinch-able hoods, draft collars, zipper draft tubes), but are puffy,heavy and bigger to backpack.
Three seasons sleeping bags: Perfect for temperatures of about 20°F and above, The three seasons sleeping bags are ideal for spring and fall trips, as well as summers in the high mountains when temps can dip below freezing at night. Depending on the winter harshness, you can use 3 seasons sleeping bags to combat colder weather too as these have cinch-able hoods, draft collars, zipper.
4. Sleeping Bag Shapes:
Sleeping bags can be of these 3 shapes – Rectangular, Semi-Rectangular, Mummy shape.
5. Other considerations and tricks & tips for buying sleeping bags.
Try before you buy if possible to see how it feels, how heavy it is. Check the closures, zippers. Make sure the bag is for exact number of people you are looking for.
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Top 6 Scroll Sleeping Bag List and Comparison
Product Name |
Temperature |
Size |
Weight |
Price |
Coleman 0°F Mummy Sleeping Bag for Big and Tall Adults | North Rim Cold-Weather Sleeping Bag |
0-10°F |
32″ x 82″ |
5.8 lbs |
All Season Hooded XL Sleeping Bag with Compression Sack (Editor’s Choice) |
15-50°F |
34″ x 88″ |
3 lbs |
3 Season MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bag (Great value for 2 people) |
35-85°F |
59.05″ x 86.6″ |
5.95 lb |
20⁰ F – 40⁰ F |
33″ x 75″ |
4 lb |
WINNER OUTFITTERS Camping Sleeping Bag, Portable Lightweight |
35⁰ F – 85⁰ F |
39″W x 87″L |
5.1 lb max |
35⁰ F – 40⁰ F |
32″W x 87″L |
2.8 lbs |
Reviews of 6 Best Sleeping Bags 2019
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1. Coleman 0°F Mummy Sleeping Bag for Big and Tall Adults | North Rim Cold-Weather Sleeping Bag Review
This winter sleeping bag is made by renowned Coleman brand [Coleman helps people make fun memories by providing the lighting, stoves, coolers, tents, sleeping bags, and camping tools integral to their favorite outdoor experiences.] which has ZipPlow, Thermolock, Polyester Ripstop Cover, Drawstring Hood. You can use this sleeping bag with any types of tents, in any harsh winter season since it can be easily used between 0-10°F!
This winter sleeping bag has very good compression sack even though it is fluffy. This is great for small and adults alike.
Hood is awesome as you can wrap your pillow in it and then pull the strings to fit your comfort level. Zippers work great can pull up when inside bag .
Extremely warm, comfortable, thick, plush ans well made for a great sleeping. If you are budget conscious person, just go ahead with this one.North Rim COLD WEATHER Sleeping Bag warranty.
- Material is strong and durable
- Are very inexpensive
- Accommodates most people up to 6 feet 2 inches in height
- Use in as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit
- Heavy & big
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2. All Season Hooded XL Sleeping Bag with Compression Sack Review
Enter code 2FOR5OFF at checkoutThis all season hooded sleeping bag is warm, super comfy, no itchy, made of high quality durable material.
This hooded envelope sleeping bag is perfect for camping, hiking & backpacking trips, mountaineering, hunting, trekking & other outdoor activities. It’s constructed with a durable, ripstop waterproof shell, high-loft insulation and a cotton flannel liner. This sleeping bag has an extreme temperature minimum of 5°F.
It is a machine washable sleeping bag, comes with a compression sack, allowing it to pack down to 15x8x8 inches. Need a guest blanket? Just unzip our sleeping bag, and you’ve got a queen-sized comforter.
- Unzip the sleeping bag and turn it into a queen-sized comforter.
- Inside is like a soft, brushed polyester
- Long zipper with two sliders, one at the side and one at the bottom
- Waterproof, lightweight, compact
- Large fits Adults up to 6’6
- Compression sack for backpacking
- Cotton flannel lining
- Has storage pocket
- 1 person (but this is same for other sleeping bags too)
3. 3 Season MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bag
This all three season sleeping bag is big, made of highly quality waterproof shell fabric, is breathable, has double sleeping bags.
This great sleeping bag is great for Warm & Cool Weather – Summer, Spring, Fall, Lightweight, Waterproof for Adults & Kids – Camping Gear Equipment, Traveling, and Outdoors.
It has great compression sack even though its double bag. After compression is 11inches by 13 inches. Very portable, stitched to make it extremely durable in any weather condition.
Also it has great Velcro Securing Strap, High Quality Zipper, Drawstring at Headrest. They come in 5 different colors.
- Are very inexpensive
- Super easy to carry and clean
- Use as 2 individual sleeping bag
- Waterproof, weather-resistant design
- 35 to 85 Degree Fahrenheit
- None
4. Coleman Brazos Cold Weather Sleeping Bag Review
This best selling sleeping bag is great for camping, hiking, picnic or any such family fun events. it has Thermolock, ZipPlow, Roll Control, Comfort Cuff.
It has temperature rating of 20. Stay comfortable in this sleeping bag weather its 80 or 20 degrees. Sleeping bag opens all the way and lays flat, like a blanket or quilt.
You can open the zipper from either end. Therefore, you can open the bottom portion to allow your feet to ‘breathe’ while keeping the side zipped.
- 100% Polyester is strong and durable
- Polyester cover and tricot knit lining which is not slippery
- Machine washable
- Limited five-year manufacturer’s warranty.
- 1 Person sleeping bag.
- Made in China but still great value, quality sleeping bag.
5. Portable Lightweight Rectangle/Mummy Backpacking Sleeping Bag
WINNER OUTFITTERS Camping Sleeping Bag is a great summer and all season camping sleeping bag which is portable, lightweight, has Compression Sack and is rectangular shape. This 4 Season Sleeping Bag is ideal for all Adults & Kids for Camping, Travel, Summer Outdoor, hiking. Design is Rectangle/Mummy style, Backpacking is extremely light.
It has soft lining; Half-circle mummy style hood keeps you warm and your pillow clean; Unzips on each side for airflow and easy access.
If you remove the mummy hood, two single sleeping bag can be spliced into a double sleeping bag. It comes with compression sack and shall be 10 inches by 12 inches after compression for backpack. It comes with a backpack bag.
The bag has draft collars and zipper draft tubes, which could prevent warm lose and cold come in. When the temperature is warmer in summer, you can adjust the zipper or remove mummy hood to make you feel comfortable.
- The sleeping bag sleeps two adults in ample and comfort.
- Material is strong and durable – 100% Polyester
- Water-resistant shell to keep you warm even in extreme weather conditions.
- Always warm, lightweight.
- Machine washable.
- You can separate into 2 different sleeping bags or just join/attach both into 1 for 2 adults.
- Detachable half circle hood
- Adjustable drawstring hood
- Anti snag double zipper design
- The outer material is quite thin (but again this bag is for up to 85⁰ F, is water resistant)
- The stitching is single-stitch. (I should add that zipper are very high quality)
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6. WINNER OUTFITTERS Mummy Sleeping Bag with Compression Sack Review
This is a very highly positively reviewed single person mummy shape best outdoor sleeping bag which is Portable and Lightweight. It comes with compression sack for backpacking, Great for all 3-4 Season Camping, Hiking, Traveling, Backpacking and Outdoor Activities.
It has high-quality material – 350T Polyester with coating shell, so the bag is very light 2.8 lbs. Actually this the lightest sleeping bag in the whole list. Like other competitors, this bag offer Stuff sack for quick and easy storage.
This special bag has draft collars around the neck to enhance insulating performance. It also has unique SBS Double slider zipper which adjusts temperature inside the sleeping bag. And has draft tubes around the zippers again to enhance insulating performance. SBS is the famous zipper company like YKK. Every zipper takes 120,000 times stretch test to make sure the performance!These come in eight different colors. This same sleeping bag also comes in different size (33W by 87L) and weights (4.5 lbs). Click below for that size/weight product…
- High-quality material: 350T Polyester with coating shell.
- 1 year warranty.
- Lightest of all – 2.8 lbs.
- Machine Washable.
- SBS adjustable snag free bucklets.
- Warm & Water resistant.
- 2 free Sacks!
- None
Things to Consider Before Choosing the Right Sleeping Bag
1. Size, weight of the sleeping bag.
2. Water resistant?
3. Machine Washable?
4. Actual backpacking weight in case you have to carry long way while hiking.
5. Temperature Limits.
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Final Verdict
All above mentioned camping sleeping bags come with compression sack. The best sleeping bag we recommend is – All Season Hooded XL Sleeping Bag with Compression Sack – Perfect Compression Sleeping Bag for Backpacking & Camping – Big and Tall Sleeping Bag fits Adults up to 6’6 – Waterproof Large Sleeping Bag.
The price is very good compared to other sleeping bags with same features. It fits Adults up to 6’6 which is difficult to find. The bag is great for temperature from 15 to 50 degree Fahrenheit and is surprisingly weights only 3 lbs.
You can easily use this as blanket or queen size comforter. Remember this is for 1 person.
But if you are looking for 2 person sleeping bag, our recommendation is MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bag – 3 Season Warm & Cool Weather – Summer, Spring, Fall, Lightweight, Waterproof for Adults & Kids – Camping Gear Equipment, Traveling, and Outdoors and we give 5 STAR to both of these sleeping bags.
Most lightest best sleeping bag is WINNER OUTFITTERS Mummy Sleeping Bag with Compression Sack.
Enjoy your trip, have fun filled camping 🙂 No need to thank me if you happen to purchase sleeping bags recommended by US, but just like our FACEBOOK Page! [https://www.facebook.com/ToolVee/]